
Whose Kingdom?


How did Britain begin and why was its faith Christian? An English King, a grandson of Alfred the Great fought the battle of Brunanburh. If you have never heard of it, then I admit neither had I until I watched a documentary some time last year. The year of this huge battle was 937 AD when an army led by King Athelstan, a notably brave soldier and devout Christian, crushed a massive combined assault by Vikings, men from the North, Irish and Scots. This victory united the countries of the British Isles not only under one head, but crucially under one faith: Christianity. In the UK it took an administration which “did not do God” to bring about the changes that have so altered our nation. Becoming a Multi-Faith society changes things.

What is left of that Christ centred heritage? Physically there is evidence of our Christian roots scattered all over Europe. You cannot miss them: almost every city, town and village has a cathedral, church or chapel. They mark both our history and our landscapes; they once signposted our faith, they now mark our retreat and our losses. Buildings either falling into disrepair or taken over by corporations, renewed for residential use or even mosques.

To me it seems there is little beyond an established church with its back pressed to the wall, and a disunited kingdom  threatened by fracture, mostly from discontented Nationalist parties? The Christian Faith in Britain is increasingly seen as a sideshow if not an irrelevance. Submerged beneath a culture of diversity and multi-faith to which it has adapted mostly through compromise and appeasement. There are vibrant pockets of evangelical Christians and other denominations scattered throughout the countries of the UK, but few neutrals I think would say that we are much more than an irritant if we are evangelical, and a showy priestly backdrop to state occasions if we are traditionalists. We carry a life changing message rarely sought out by the great majority who lead lives without reference to either Jesus Christ or his Gospel. That is a pessimistic assessment, but there is of course another side filled with hope and faith. However I tend to think that this living faith, real though it is, may be coming under increasing pressure to conform to the ways of this world.

You may agree that we have as a nation abandoned the moral standards which once defined the attitudes and behaviour of a civilised society. You may say yes, and that we are much better off for doing so. Christendom throughout the ages has manifest a series of grotesque parodies of what a Christian society should be. I freely admit this is true, and there was and is no excuse. History verifies that humanity and the societies it has raised contain a spark of evil which tends to contaminate even the best of intentions. So what can be said of one like ours which appears to be seeking the best: a level playing field for everyone? Is this modern schematic any different to those of the past? To me the obvious answer to that question is yes, substantially different. We seem to believe we have learned the lessons of the past, hence the imposition of a multi-faith, multi-cultural society. We have given up, even legislated against stereotyping people on the grounds of race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender: a noble and far reaching ambition which surely no one in their right mind could find objectionable. And of course, the good intentions are useless and would be without effect unless politically enforced, since we are acting against every natural impulse of human nature. Which is that might is right and victory usually goes to the talented, the ruthless, the strong and most calculating. Historically these must be among the reasons why the white races have enslaved and ill-used so many non-white races. We have however chosen to look at our history, sometimes with shame, assessed the damage and the reasons for it and begun the process of trying to make amends by setting out a new vision based on equality for all. Sadly Utopian visions always fail to materialise and their ideals fracture and fall whenever and wherever contact is made with the outside world. They can produce the exact opposite of what is intended: totalitarianism.

To me, born towards the end of the last World War, it feels that all is being made new. As if the old has been cast off while a new prospectus arises from the ashes of the past: new politics, new culture, new ethics, new reality. From a biblical standpoint, can fallen humanity do the job of saving the human race from its baser instincts? If we abandon the faith and religious route that has often served humanity so badly then what can go wrong when both secular and religious are bound together under a universal creed? It has been tried in the past and the two have violently clashed, but today there seems to be relative peace between religion and state. Perhaps it is truly based on the best of all human instincts, love for all and acceptance of everyone: a true level playing field based on tolerance. The experiment has been ongoing for a few decades and it can do no harm to look as it matures and make a few judgements. Are the results so far achieving the anticipated ends? Good intentions must surely be rewarded. This of course depends on whether the intentions were as good as they first appeared. For example to strive for equality cannot be anything other than a good intention. However it has never existed on this earth in any form other than as a momentary expression. There are always the strong and the weak, winners and losers, leaders and led. The truth is that at least one group will always sink to the bottom. A hierarchy will always establish itself, along with some form of coercion to ensure its survival and longevity. The principles laid down by Jesus Christ are a guide to a Utopian vision but even they have failed to give more than a hint of its realisation. But this vision of the golden rule is no longer welcome. Looking at the signs that are apparent I have come to believe that along with the gathering madness there is something uniquely anti-Christian under construction. My purpose in writing this is to persuade you that this might be true, and if you are Christian to prepare for the worst.

With much of Europe having become multi-faith by the decree of its governments is it coincidental that its Christian roots, faith and culture are being degraded? More important, does it matter? The commentator and author Douglas Murray, who is not a Christian, has said that we in the West are all Christian in one sense; not because of our belief but because of the culture which has given us the standards by which we live: from basic human rights upwards. As Christian influence has diminished so have the old certainties withered. As an alternative we have turned towards a multi-faith, multi-cultural approach hoping that the new will give us something better. His book is titled: The Strange Death Of Europe.



We have a new look country due to decades of large scale immigration. So, have a good look around you at the nations from which many of these immigrants have come. Most of these countries persecute Christians. Please ask yourself would you want to bring your family up in any of them? Immigration is all one way traffic, out of countries from the Middle East and into countries with a Christian tradition? The question why is too obvious to answer.

Free Speech


This is not a Mickey Mouse issue, it is serious, just about as serious as can be imagined. Lose it and any sense of living in a free society has gone. We will only be able to say or write what is deemed correct, either by the state authourities or the mobs.The rise of a tyranny is always accompanied by shutting down all protest beginning with writers and orators. Perhaps the most famous example from relatively recent history is the Russian dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn who wrote the famous book: Gulag Archipelago. He experienced the rule of the extreme left, represented by Marxism. In our day political correctness has been described as cultural Marxism. If you are on the wrong side of this movement you will sense your freedom of expression being steadily diminished. In the video linked to this article you will see and hear one of our greatest comic actors Rowan Atkinson taking a pop at our ruling elite.

I never had Rowan Atkinson down as a political campaigner, but what a speech he gave against laws that successive governments have used to close down the rights to oppose, insult, criticise and offend. The legislation to curb these freedoms came into effect in 1986: the Public Order Act. Freedoms which have been used to great effect for centuries in order to change and challenge views, attitudes, injustices and repressive legislation and prick the overblown sensitivities of the pompous and self righteous were threatened by section five of that Act. Atkinson speaks brilliantly and was part of the movement which caused it be changed. However he emphasised the point that winning a victory over the deselection of the words insult / insulting would not be the end of the matter, just the beginning of the fight. The government gave way to this celebrity backed pressure and Section Five was amended. However, nothing further has been accomplished, in fact if anything the legislation has hardened against free speech. Nevertheless you may well enjoy this video.



Europe on the Edge


Douglas Murray is an author, journalist, and political commentator, founder of the Centre for Social Cohesion and is the associate director of the Henry Jackson Society and associate editor of the British political and cultural magazine The Spectator. He has said, not unreasonably I think, that Europe is primarily home to those of us who call ourselves European. The video below is a short one man presentation of his case that Europe is a troubled and confused continent, perhaps committing a form of suicide. He clearly lays out the problems faced by Europe, including large scale immigration and the loss of the sense of who we are. Here is just one Murray quote to wet your appetite.

“Be careful of your future, do not do grand experiments on the public that have not been tried before. We are not a petri dish to experiment in. This ( our continent / nation ) is the only thing we have.”


It Came From Outer Space


Richard Dawkins finds himself admitting the opposite to what he believes.

The following may surprise you. If you watch the 5 minute video at the foot of this page you will discover that Richard Dawkins definitely does not believe in an intelligent designer of life. He is categoric about this for just over three minutes. This leaves him just over two minutes to say the precise reverse. He does believe in the possibility of an extraterrestrial entity of extreme intelligence. One which not only created life but also journeyed across the universe to seed it on earth. That is really quite close to the Genesis chapter one account of Creation. Dawkins makes only one caveat about this matter. He insists this god like alien must have come about by some explicable process, by which he means it evolved in accordance with something like Darwin’s 19th century theory. He admits he does not know how life began, let alone a life form of a type unknown to anyone, ET’s, but he is apparently expert enough to lecture us on the kind of process that brought this wonderfully altruistic, close to all powerful ET into existence.

Dawkins in describing this phenomenon describes a poor man’s god. Extraterrestrial means: of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere. That is a good starting point definition for the God of the Bible. Early in the interview, Dawkins asks with some annoyance why Stein asks the “who did it” question? Who made it all? Dawkins protests. Why bring a “Who” into the discussion? By the end you might be wondering why Dawkins introduces his own whopping big WHO into the debate. Maybe this ET is the answer to Ben Stein’s question. The Who in who dunnit! You may if you search further videos come across a later interview he had with an accommodating and uncritical  interviewer. In that conversation he argues that he was more or less playing along with the line of Stein’s questioning, and the impression of endorsing the design inference for creation was therefore misleading. However he looked serious enough to me when he admitted the ET theory was “intriguing” and without prompting suggested how it might have happened. 


A Bit of a Puzzle


In the first edition of his famous book On the Origin of Species Darwin closed the last paragraph with this sentence.

“There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”

He could not have been more horribly wrong. His proposed simple beginnings of forms most beautiful and wonderful do not exist. Humming birds, whales, bees, ants, elephants Etc, are the result of the inner workings of microscopic nanotechnology. Technology of a type which leaves the best efforts of mankind at the starting block. If you are a sceptic about design I ask you to watch these two videos. Because each one in a different way demonstrates the absurdity and ignorance at the root of evolutionary theory. There is no simplicity in nature, scientists having understood so much about living things, plants and animals still cannot fathom the mysteries of life at the molecular level. The reason being the levels of complexity continue in these systems seemingly without end. If modern science were open to any other explanation other than Darwinist, they might make more progress and emulate those scientists who studied nature with the mindset of Johannes Kepler to whom this saying is attributed: “Thinking God’s thoughts after him.” A man who was following the Master who preceded them all. Kepler is among the greatest of all scientists, a rational man who believed in God. If you were to argue he believed this because he lived in an age of faith then realise you have made a rod for your own back. For the same could be said for those who dismiss God as Creator. They live in an age of atheism and scepticism. Kepler said:

“Geometry is unique and eternal, a reflection of the mind of God. That men are able to participate in it is one of the reasons why man is an image of God.”

Look at the videos below and allow yourself to wonder at Creation.




Understanding nature at its most basic level is a puzzle. DNA is at the root of all living things and perhaps the most surprising. How did coded specified information leading to functional, apparently engineered biological units and systems arise from the chaos of the early earth before life began? And once life was established it produced billions of diverse features such as lungs, wings, blood vessels, molecular motors etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum. The first puzzle is of a constantly occurring type throughout nature. We know a birds wing, brilliant though it is remains useless without its connection first to the body and then the necessary neural links to a brain. Second puzzle; we know all these big units have at root innumerable lesser, but arguably even more exquisite systems at the molecular level, each one of many millions combine to ensure all living things can survive the challenges of life. Beyond that there is the necessary Eco-system, which includes a fine tuned for life universe subject to universal laws. We are the recipients of a planet capable of photosynthesis and a supply of breathable air. These along with countless other component parts enable creatures like the birds and bees to live and flowers be pollinated. An encyclopedia of other marvels could follow, but we will stop here and consider the view which lords over every explanation concerning nature and creation. The most counter intuitive hypothesis ever conceived. And it took some of the brightest of those at the pinnacle of creation: scientists and philosophers to make the case. It is of course the one we all bow towards as if it were the Mecca of science: evolution!

This is another puzzle, because the common answer to how it all came about belongs to a category we all know from both science and common experience is impossible: things do not appear out of nothing from nowhere by chance. Artificial intelligence took intelligent design, no argument there. But the intelligence which conceived, designed and engineered AI, was not designed. It evolved from lifeless matter.


If I say birds cannot happen by chance evolutionists will cry Natural Selection you idiot! It is not just by chance, there is a selection process. My answer to that is simple. Anyone who has found themselves involved in a process of selection knows that selection is a function of intelligence, and intelligence is ruled out of the Darwinian script. The following is an example of the problems faced by a directionless, random process of selection. Try it, do some science. Throw Lego bricks in countless billions, or pieces of different puzzles into piles and wait for a random selective process to put them into any kind of order. Even if you examined the results on a minute by minute basis over billions of years no rational person would expect to find anything greater than what a one year child might create over a playtime of one hour. Two or three pieces or bricks set together only to be rearranged later into the chaos from which they arose. To select a piece of a puzzle and keep it hoping another that links to it will just turn up is to argue from intelligence. We all know without a shadow of doubt that order does not come out of chaos without the input of intelligence and a plan. So how in such a scheme did cellular life begin? The origins of complex interrelated plans for future development set into a context of all the building bricks necessary for the fulfilment of those plans being in place. We are faced with coded information stored in DNA capable of producing proteins, (building bricks) which construct the three dimensional living units that comprise everything seen in the natural world? No life without proteins is possible, but proteins follow the instructions laid down by DNA, which just to complicate the issue is made by proteins. This is simple classroom stuff, but it seems the questions I have asked are rarely stated and even less often answered. And the answers that are presented have nothing to do with science. There is not one single example of unguided chaotic forces operating on chemicals that have ever produced a functioning and self replicating living anything. That briefly is the unsolved puzzle. Unless of course you find the answer this way. Assume both the means and the result: the finished product being proof of the process. The bird wing proves evolution works.

Back to molecular building bricks, those without which life is impossible. DNA according to Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft DNA is far more advanced than any software created by man. And yet it must have existed and functioned as it does today from the genesis of life. Why? Because living things exist as they do because of DNA. It holds the plans which define type: whether that be grass or elephant, shape, size or pigmentation. The amazing information storage capacity of DNA will feature again in the context of Bill Gates and Microsoft. Why? Because DNA is at the cutting edge of new technology. Darwin’s simple beginnings, into which he invested so much hope fade into absurdity when set against the astonishing digital storage capacity of DNA. Then there is the puzzle of the first life forms.

Here is a description of a basic working unit which enables all life to exist: no life can exist without energy and this is supplied by molecular motors. Had Darwin known of their existence and seen its outline as a blurred image through the eyepiece of an ancient microscope, he may have exclaimed: “At last, the simple beginning of life I prophesied would one day be found!” The problem is he could never have seen it under a normal microscope. We are talking nanotechnology and electron microscopes. Had he been able to access such a device he would have seen as near a physical miracle as you could imagine. The simple beginning is anything but simple. How about this one: the MO-1 bacterial flagellum.  This is a rotary motor which provides bacteria with their source of movement through liquid environments. This tiny powerhouse of a bacteria beats them all and may be one of the most ancient ever discovered. It is powered by seven motors, arranged in a hexagonal array. All the gears interact with 24 smaller gears set between them. The seven flagella rotate one way, and the smaller gears rotate in the opposite direction thereby maximising torque while minimising friction. The gears are synchronised and the researchers who studied it stated, unsurprisingly given the facts, that it is highly organised. It’s performance is phenomenal, creating a speed in water unsurpassed by any other bacteria. The MO-1 motors can drive the bacteria at speeds of 100 body lengths per second. Nothing man-made could get close to competing, and certainly not man himself. Usain Bolt? Six body lengths per second.

If you believe in evolution via mutations and natural selection then please explain how these highly organised examples of engineered inventions have appeared on earth. Tell us how without design the previously referred to MO-1  motility system came into existence. It has exquisite design stamped on every part, of which it has a large number. And of course on top of this it has the ability to replicate itself. I do not believe it possible to deny that the evidence describing perhaps the most primitive organism on the planet, proves, beyond reasonable doubt the existence of a designer. There was a time, long, long ago, when modern science was birthed, that to argue as evolutionary scientists do would have been considered delusional. Your chances of finding a seat alongside the greats, and fathers of modern science would have have been remote. Float the evolutionary schooner in that largely Christian intellectual pond and watch it sink without trace. Newton, Maxwell Clark, Harvey, Boyle, Faraday etc would have asked Darwin to show the science; demonstrate the empirical scientific method you have applied; the repeated tests and the resulting evidence. They may well of said: this cannot work, because you Mr Darwin, have over the course of decades diligently observed breeders of plants and animals demonstrating that you can only push a type of dog or rose or pigeon so far and no further. There are limits to variability. Limits imposed by genetics, not by Christian philosophers or Creationists.


We really do have no excuse. If the above is not sufficient incentive to start thinking there is something in the design / designer argument, then consider the following. Data storage is a big and growing global problem, but its solution, via biotech is neat beyond adequate description. Here is how Microsoft took on the problem of data storage and retrieval. Powerful corporations around the world are alarmed at the mounting costs estimated for data storage. Not only governments but the most famous names in business, from Facebook to Microsoft are compelled to invest in huge data storage facilities: massive sprawling industrial buildings. This happens all over the globe. The answer is perhaps unsurprising given what you have read earlier. A solution has been found by harnessing the genius systems found in biology. Studies in biotech have produced amazing results.

Microsoft took the initiative to examine the potential wrapped up in nature. They converted the digital systems found in DNA.

Data storage density is DNA’s speciality subject. To cut to the chase how much information can DNA fit into a small unit? The answer? It can take the amount of data contained in around a hundred industrial sized buildings and reduce it to what do you think? Five industrial units? One such unit? No it is less, much less. See what the Creator of the world can do with a problem this size. It is of course a bit of a cheat since DNA surpasses all man-made efforts, it can store information three-dimensionally.

It is capable of storing these industrial shed loads of data in something the size of a….SHOE BOX!!!!

This is the story of life as presented to us. Life began with the appearance of single celled bacteria 3,800 million years ago. All bacteria are equipped with DNA. As a logical consequence it seems to me as if expert opinion endorses an origins of life theory placing a 3,800 million years old data storage kit as the first and most primitive example of life. A highly unlikely saviour and solution to what would otherwise be an insuperable problem to modern man. Who to applaud most highly: Microsoft or the ridiculously ancient molecule whose long name is Deoxyribonucleic acid? Microsoft had an inventor with a name: Bill Gates.  Deoxyribonucleic acid has no inventor, and goes under the title, unknown and anonymous. Where is God when you want him? Perhaps waiting for you to appear before him and interested in your explanation.

Below is a Harvard animation of the life going on in every cell of your body. It is helpful in watching this to get an idea what is going on. Right now trillions of them are conspiring to ensure you can see, read, comprehend and use your hands to access this information.  A cell has been described as a city. Within it you have local government, information and storage facilities, transport systems, factories, highways, import and export controls, communication systems, diagnosis and repair systems, security, post offices and much more. The membrane which holds it all together is ingenious beyond imagining. A cell can replicate itself within 24 hours, programmed death of a cell ensures we are not filled with useless debris. Is this a likely product of time and chance and selection. A rough figure of the number of cells you have is around 70 trillion.


The People of the Book


Jews, Christians and Muslims.

According to Mohammad, Jews and Christians are the people of the Book: the Bible. This book, Mohammad uses but changes out of all recognition, doing so on the basis of his revelations and the belief that these scriptures became corrupted. Mohammad’s later revelations found fault with scriptures he had previously endorsed; not what would have been expected from a prophet of God. They did not go about saying I got it wrong, misheard God, but now by further revelation have got it right, so forget what I said and wrote earlier. Its what I am saying now that matters. The objective of those who corrupted the scriptures was presumably to write Allah and Islam’s prophet out of the script. A conspiracy theory without motive or evidence. Mohammad, the Quran and Allah as the God found in the Bible were unknown to the writers of any of these scriptures, and for a very good reason: Islam’s prophet had not been born. The questions therefore arise, when was this corruption done, by whom, and for what purpose, and where is the evidence? Of all the ancient writings of history none have had such a constant history of verification. Archaeologists and scriptural scholars have proved these ancient writings have been passed down through the generations unchanged. If they are in error, it is not because they were corrupted in their written transmission. Jewish scribes are and always have been meticulous in the care and accuracy of copying their sacred texts. Any errors found in the huge quantity of ancient documents available are tiny and insignificant and change nothing of the meaning or narrative.

The Bible is the most validated document in the history of written documents. There can be no doubt concerning the faithful transcription of Scripture. The Jewish scribes were scrupulously meticulous about the copying of their scriptures. Of just the known 6000 Greek New Testament manuscripts, there are at least 2.5 million pages! If you were to include both the Old and New Testaments there are more than 66,000 manuscripts and scrolls. Each of these testify to the historical accuracy and the validity of Scripture!. The method proves the assertion that nothing was more important to scribes than the faithful transmission of the manuscripts being copied.

The procedures were as follows. They could only use clean animal skins as parchment. This both to write on and bind the manuscripts. Each column of writing could have no less than forty-eight, and no more than sixty lines. They must speak out each word aloud as it was written. They must wipe the pen and cleanse their bodies before writing the word Jehovah ( God’s name).They went through this ritual every time they wrote God’s sacred name. Each work was reviewed within a month. The manuscript if it required corrections on three pages was discontinued. The scribe would have to rewrite the entire manuscript. The letters, words, and paragraphs had to be all counted. The document was invalidated if two letters touched each other. Even more demanding was that the middle paragraph, word and letter must all correspond to those of the original document. The documents could be stored only in sacred places. As no document containing God’s Word could be destroyed, they were stored, or buried, in a safe “hiding place.” Synagogues or sometimes in a Jewish cemetery. Or as in the Dead Sea Scrolls, perhaps in extremis, when under threat felt compelled to hide important documents and records including scripture, in dry, remote and hard to access caves.

For scriptures to have been corrupted, as Muhammad claims, there must have been a catastrophic breakdown in the copying procedures: the entire methodology lost. And that, had it happened would have been a story in itself; one almost impossible to have kept secret. And yet for Muhammad’s story to have credibility this must have happened. In which case it was so well kept a secret that the loss of accurate scribal transmission for between hundreds and thousands of years went undiscovered until the advent of the prophet of Islam. A man who according to Islamic teaching could not read, somehow came to read, understand it and expose the errors written in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. Muhammad spoke and wrote, if he did write at all, in Arabic. How then was he able to discern errors written in languages about which he knew little or nothing about? Once again the only answer is by miracles. When you consider he had motive to alter the biblical accounts relating to Abraham and his children and also to Jesus, then cynicism is well justified.

All this is weird enough, but the question why Muhammad would go to such lengths is itself intriguing. I think finding the answer is simple enough. If the Bible remained as it was it could never be any use to him. The problem was he desperately needed it in order to provide a solid  historical foundation for his new religion. Giving it roots as deeply embedded in history as that of the Jews and Christians; making his message and revelations credible those he desired to convert: Jews, Christians and of course pagan Arabs. As a consequence one man rewrites history and enthrones himself under a god seemingly of his own invention. Allah was a name well known to Arabs before Muhammad was born. It being not a special or personal name, but the commonly accepted word used in that region when referring to God. Both Jews and Christians living in Arabia at that time would have have spoken of God as Allah. Christians would have believed Allah was Jesus incarnate, the one true God, and Jews would have called on Allah when speaking of their God. They would have been doing this long before Muhammad was born.

For all these reasons the Quran must be open to serious doubt, particularly in the crucial example concerning the promises of God made to Abraham’s son Isaac. In the Bible emphasis is put on the fact that Isaac’s children inherited the promises of God made to Abraham. Mohammed, on his own authority transfers these blessings and promises made to the Jews, onto the shoulders of the supposed ancestral elder of the Arab nations, Ishmael. This is tantamount to transferring an election result in a democratic country like Britain and donating the position of prime minister to the Supreme Leader of Iran, who at the time of writing is Ali Khamene. And this done on the word of a self-proclaimed prophet of the same tribe as Ali Khamene. Would such a claim be ratified today, and if not, why should it have become so convincing to so many in our day.

The Jews, without whom their priceless book would not have reached the wider world have suffered persecution throughout much of their history. And mostly from Christians and Muslims who claim large parts of their inspiration from the God given Testament put into the hands of the Jewish people. They are the most amazing people on the face of the earth. They have endured and survived through a history unlike any other nation, scattered and hated for no good cause before returning to the land taken from them. May God bless them and keep them safe in these terribly dangerous times. May the Holocaust never be forgotten and the Jews enter into to all the promises written in their Holy Book. May Muslims come to see within their own book, the Quran, the many references within it drawn from the Bible. And may this testimony lead them to the Truth. For as Jesus said, the truth will set you free.

It may be of interest to you to know that historians and biblical scholars have no doubts as to the real events that brought Jesus to his crucifixion. This is not a fiction. Those who vehemently disagree are Muslim clerics and scholars, but they have a good reason for their scepticism. The Quran written over six hundred after these events has Jesus as a central figure. He is the most mentioned person in the Quran by reference; 25 times by the name, as Isa,  48 times, in the first-person 35 times. He is therefore an integral part of Mohammad’s revelation, but not as a crucified and later risen from the dead Lord. That occurrence, if admitted would validate so much of the New Testament and confirm the accuracy and truth of those who wrote the gospels and letters to the churches. Consequently none of this part of the scriptures can be permitted since it would place Jesus so much higher than Muhammad. The testimony of many eye witnesses and accounts written astonishingly close to the actual events proclaimed Jesus as resurrected from the dead and Lord of all, the mighty risen Saviour. Inconceivable if they knew him to be dead and buried.


The Stigma of Empire


Was the British Empire a shameful enterprise? One founded on trade and the imposition of the Christian faith which became an imperial land, wealth, and people grab: enslaving peoples and wrecking native cultures. Did British involvement make their existence and future prospects worse?

A sign of our times is the negative view we are beginning to take about ourselves. We are becoming like medieval monks, practising the art of self flagellation, or a maddened dog that starts chewing at its own flesh. No target from our past stinks as highly as that of the imperial colonising that in the old days coloured so much of the globe in pink. When I was a child we were encouraged to take pride in our history. Pink was the chosen colour seen on globes and maps indicating the huge dominating presence of the British Empire. From the Alaskan borders of Canada in the northwest to New Zealand and the Solomon Islands in the southeast. By 1920 it covered a land mass comprising quarter of the earth’s surface. That is a lot to apologise for, and how we feel the need to squirm in embarrassment. The strange thing is that those who feel the greatest need to demonstrate their apologetic credentials are those who have the flimsiest grasp of our history: proved by the following. A statue became the object of a university outcry. Racism and empire was at its root but it centred on the hatred of an individual. A hatred not lessened by the fact that both the offence and the statue were set in our imperial past. The offending statue bore the image of the colonialist Cecil Rhodes, born a century and a half ago. Left wing activists at an Oxford University found fault with this British imperialist and wanted his statue in Oriel College removed. If these students had learned the art of looking at a subject from all sides rather than just one they might have thought twice about the matter. Maybe compare Cecil Rhodes, whom they despise, with one of the same mindset: Charles Darwin, a man who is almost universally admired. Both of these men had luxuriated in the power and prestige of Empire. One is made into a villain the other remains an untainted national hero. Darwin is the secular saint who reinforced the cause of agnosticism. Teaching us that we were not children of God but children of nature, having ascended by degrees from the apes. He is loved by students, but he should not be, not if they applied to same standards to Darwin as the do to Cecil Rhodes. His views and influence have done more harm than any of those born into the world of Empire. But that is a story related in other articles, for now let’s have a brief look at what he wrote. If Rhodes be a racist then what was Darwin who wrote the following in his book The Descent of Man. Its object was to trace an evolutionary link between apes and mankind.

He wrote. ‘At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the Negro or Australian (aborigine) and the gorilla.’

Darwin was not a racist in modern terms, he was like Cecil Rhodes a man of his time; but he nevertheless thought, perhaps theoretically upon the lines of exterminating Aborigines and Negroes: (his description of native Africans). His expectations were that races existed which filled the evolutionary gaps between mankind at its highest manifestation and those who bore a closer likeness to the apes. This was and is the high point of arrogance and error, and it belonged to a class of English “gentlemen” who had removed themselves from the influence of Holy Scripture. The book of Genesis makes a totally clear distinction between human and animal life. According to scripture there is an unbridgeable separation. Darwin however required a blurring of that distinction. There were others very close to him who thought the same, Ernst Haeckel the German zoologist and evolutionist being one of the most influential. A man whose views would give rise to a veritable storm of offence under hate legislation. Darwin admired him so much he said he would not have bothered publishing his own books had he first seen Haeckel’s work.

It was in fact Christian gentlemen, men of the Empire who led the fight for the emancipation of slavery, not Darwin who saw it and admittedly hated what he saw. But fight against it he did not. So if the students of Oxford need another target, having lost their campaign to have the statue of Rhodes removed, then why not encamp outside Darwin College in Cambridge and call for its name to be changed. The idiocy of these protest movements can be parodied, but they have had their successes, sometimes without even raising a finger. The mere threat they pose is felt by authorities fearful of what protest can achieve. Once it had been identified as an evil that could not be tolerated the British Empire fought the good fight against slavery. And it was done against fierce European opposition and  at great cost in terms of economic self interest and British lives lost, the Royal Navy over decades was responsible for saving up to 150,000 Africans and captured 1,600 slave ships. Slavery was a crime against humanity alright and Britain has much to be ashamed of, but this trade was not the prerogative of whites. Blacks made a good living by selling  their own people into slavery. Class divisions are not reserved to white races. There is a false impression that before whites began colonising other countries the native peoples they conquered lived in harmony with one another. This was not true. Read the histories and you will find how British colonisers often brought peace, law and good governance to factions engaged in cannibalism and brutal conquests of their own.

Ignorance of our history promotes a largely undeserved hatred. And it is falling largely on the whites. We who are white must apologise and manifest shame for our past. However Racism is no longer just a white crime, it is becoming democratic. It has become problematic to be white, or straight  or Christian. These groups are still identified as the oppressors and expected to feel shame by association with that position. But these groups, and I belong to all three, are feeling marginalised, despised and even frightened by the threats coming against us. Our rights are being lessened and those of other groups and religions are being raised up. The oppressors are no longer who they once were. At a recent Question Time TV programme a white man in the audience dared have a very politely expressed opinion on a subject I cannot remember; but it engendered a furious riposte from a Muslim woman. She turned and shouted again and again, saying he had no right to such an opinion. Why? Because he was white! Sadly he did not defend himself. He should have said that her words and aggressive manner were not merely unjustified, but Racist.

If you are an Oxford student revved up and ready to accuse previous generations of crimes against humanity, then at least do them the honour of trying to understand their motives. For many these will have been self serving, for others the motives may well have been good, even saintly and self sacrificing, and their actions far less inhumane than supposed. The current generation, following what they believe to be a progressive agenda may well be doing so in good conscience, and for the best of reasons; but they may also in the future be recognised as having caused social chaos and terrible injustices. History will prove the matter, not current perceptions of right and wrong.

There was certainly a Protestant impulse that underpinned the Empire building of Britain. Covering much of the world with its paternalist agenda morally upheld by missionary zeal. In the process we dominated nations and peoples thinking we were serving God in the process. In many ways I still believe we were, but to ignore the injustices, cruelties, pride and arrogance sometimes associated with it is plainly wrong. There are of course many notable exceptions and a general condemnation of what may well have seemed well intentioned at the time can never be just. Of all the empires the world has seen I believe the British to be by far the most noble. I recommend a book by John Hawkins: The Most Successful Nation in the History of the World. Wherever you find stability and good governance and a just legal system you may well find that it is owed to the past presence of the British Empire. Cecil Rhodes founded Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia is now known as Zimbabwe. In 1965, the conservative white minority government unilaterally declared independence as Rhodesia. That state became increasingly hated and internationally isolated. Its government fought a 15 year guerrilla war with black nationalist forces. This culminated in a peace agreement and national sovereignty as Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe in 1980.

If the Oxford students cared to look up the history of Robert Mugabe they may decide that a bring back Cecil Rhodes campaign would have served this African nation a good deal better over the succeeding decades. Mugabe became the viciously corrupt leader of that nation, a tyrant who lavished wealth upon himself while wrecking the economy, corrupting the entire system of government and impoverishing everyone other than those who kept him in power. Of all Africa’s many despots he may well crown himself as lord of all of them.

Here is a testimony about the British Empire from an unlikely source. A family at one on this issue and interviewed by Jeremy Paxman for his TV series on the British Empire. The family spokeswoman was Ramilla Shah. Her family are Indian who were immigrants from Kenya, descendants of the railway workers transported by the British from India to Kenya in order to build the railway line from Mombasa to Nairobi. A daunting task which they accomplished, eventually taking the railway right up to the shores of Lake Victoria. Under pressure from the African population they were compelled to emigrate. Their family chose Britain rather than India as their destination. They arrived in 1968. What did they find? Cold weather, squalid conditions, a house with an outside toilet and having to go to the public baths once a week for a good bathe.  At their family home in Leicester Paxman, rather cautiously I thought, asked a question. He began by admitting that most people think the Empire was a bad thing; imposing our rule on other people. Ramilla and her mother both replied: we thank the British Empire. The mother saying there were jobs, and you could study and go to college. Ramilla was very positive, stating that wherever the British went it was ruled well, better than before they came, with no corruption. She ended by saying as soon as the British left a country they just went downhill. And with that the interview ended with smiles all round.

I think I know what the Cecil Rhodes hating Oxford University students would say. Paxman found a well off  right wing Indian family to interview. Sorry to disappoint them; this family may be well off, no doubt because they have worked hard and thoroughly deserve their pleasant home.  Ramilla Shah is not a Conservative voter, she is in fact a Labour Councillor. Not therefore a witness from your natural British Empire fan base.

India was far from a non violent part of the Empire prior to the British imposing their rule. Its population was plagued by a murderous a group of savages not dissimilar to ISIS, called the Thugs.

‘Estimates of the total number of their victims vary widely, since no reliable source confirms the length of the Thugs’ existence. According to the Guinness Book of Records the Thuggee cult was responsible for approximately two million deaths; British historian Mike Dash said that they killed a total of 50,000 people over an estimated 150 years. Political scientist  David C. Rapport estimated that 500,000 people were killed by the Thugs. According to other estimates, they murdered one million people.

The method, associated with Thuggee, led to the Thugs being called phansigars (“noose-operators”) or “stranglers” by British troops. Usually two or three Thugs would accost one traveller: one Thug strangling the victims, while the others held the victim’s limbs or torso to prevent their resistance. They then needed to dispose of the bodies, either burying them or throwing them into a well. The victims joints were often broken, and/or the major tendons severed, to allow greater flexibility in hiding the corpses in confined areas. Additionally, the victim was often stabbed in the eyes following the strangulation—a practice that Thugs believed was introduced after some victims survived being strangled and buried in shallow graves.

The campaign relied heavily on captured Thugs who became informants. These informants were offered protection on the condition that they told everything that they knew. According to historian Mike Dash……suspects were subject to bench trials before English judges. Though the trials were lacking by later standards (e.g., suspects were not allowed legal representation), they were conducted with care to protocols of the time. While most suspects were convicted, Dash notes that the courts genuinely seemed interested in finding the truth and rejected a minority of allegations due to mistaken identity or insufficient evidence. Even by later standards, Dash argues, the evidence of guilt for many Thugs was often overwhelming.’


Please note that the British used the Law much as practised today to deal with people most would have disposed of without such moderation and insistence on due process. The need to feel shame for our past should be reconsidered and balanced by evidence drawn from both sides of the argument. In the British Empire this would have been called, fair play. The following video will shock and appal many because it is a stout defence of all things British Empire from an American academic. It does not touch on its faults and failings but it does demonstrate that it can take credit for many things. So enjoy it, if like me you do not feel the need to apologise for everything covered by the Union Jack.



Me! My Space My Kingdom


What actually matters beyond ourselves and those we care for? Has society outside that small unit ceased to exist for us? Is this the truth, that beyond me and mine nothing much matters?

Even if it is all about me and mine, and for you, all about you and yours, we still have to admit we exist in a universe that poses multiple questions. These relate to the existence of life, morality, the balance of nature, atheism, truth, religion and a vast array of other subjects all of which provoke debate. We are often dissatisfied with the conclusions of those who have taught us right and wrong, good and bad. This natural process of growing up and forming our own opinions may cause us to question, examine and even reject what we have been taught. I hold views on all of the above, but the one that heads the list for me is Truth. A word that led me directly to questions about faith. Is faith a ludicrous cop out? To the majority of people not birthed in religious belief, agnosticism or atheism may seem the best options. But whichever way we look and from whatever angle all the great questions remain: how, when, why and by what or whom and for what purpose, if any. Is there a definitive answer: a Truth to be discovered? Because if there is, then finding it must be the greatest adventure of them all. To know how and why we exist and in what context? Is it by random chance or designed and purposeful? These are probably philosophical questions but for me it is a matter of faith. And there are loads of choices, far too many; and just to make it more difficult there remains the real possibility that none of them are true.

My own story is that I was brought up the religious route, as a Christian of the Roman Catholic variety. For various reasons I developed a love / hate  relationship with religion. It left me feeling really bad about myself, a state of being for which I largely blamed myself. And maybe for that reason I could not, and worse still did not even want to dismiss it from my mind. I was born and bred into Christianity and it took me a long time to realise it was not what it is believed to be. A revelation which eventually led to my abandonment of Roman Catholicism. At root the Christian faith is not a set of Commandments or a prescribed way of life defined by its religious practice. I now know the Christian life can be lived out in a myriad of different ways. How can that be? Because you only have to look at nature to realise whoever or whatever put it together does not make clones. Nature it seems majors on extremes of diversity. The human genome for example is set up to produce endless variety. No two people are the same: individuality is written in code and hard wired into us. Consequently, my relationship with God will be entirely personal on the one hand and part of the family of God on the other. He may choose one individual to become an astronomer, a second to spend their life helping the helpless and a third to be an Olympic athlete, like the gold medal winner Eric Liddell. At the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris he refused to run in the heats for his favoured 100 metres because they were held on a Sunday. He was a devout Christian who took Sunday observance as a day of rest very seriously. Instead he competed in the 400 metres held on a weekday, a race that he won. He famously said these words, memorably spoken by the actor playing his part in the film Chariots of Fire.

“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast! And when I run I feel his pleasure.”

In saying that, Liddell links the pleasure he feels with a pleasure he intuitively believes God feels as well. His running therefore becomes a joy doubled. God experiencing, seeing, feeling and rejoicing as his child expresses the divinely given gift of speed. God is not remote from us, he loves us, and we are made in this loving image; which is no doubt why we love watching our children do well. Liddell was a man who would not compromise his faith for anyone or anything. Those seeking to persuade him were some of the most powerful men in the Olympic movement and the British government. He faced them all down, being prepared in the name of Christ to walk away from the glory on offer.  St Paul is another example, initially a fierce hater of Christianity. A persecutor who was suddenly dropped from his horse, blinded and called by God to be an apostle. You may argue that this is violent coercion, and to a degree it was; but his free will was never crushed. His life and his words bear witness to his individuality in everything he says and does. His sight is restored and he chooses to follow the one who called him. You may find Christianity as you have experienced it a massive turn off. I was brought up on ceremonial and priests and incense and a strict regime of religious practice. In the end I reacted against this form of my faith. Does that make it wrong? No, of course not, for many this way of life is a mark of the respect and awe owed to God. It does little for me which is why I worship in a very different kind of church community. As far as this goes it’s just my opinion against another. My view is that the ceremonial often associated with Church is to some large degree the result of man’s attempt to resurrect the religion out of which it was born: a type of Temple, priesthood and sacrifice orientated religion. I am sure that even those committed to this kind of religious experience: priests, monks, nuns would agree that this could be stripped away, and all the essentials of the Christian Faith would remain. Which is why faith communities founded on scripture alone can thrive in any environment. Because this kind of Christian Faith is robust, proved by the fact that persecution and martyrdom have tended to cause growth rather than loss to the church. No one knew this better than Paul who brought more people into the faith he had hated and persecuted than any other of his fellow apostles. He was a phenomenon.

During his travels Paul came to Athens to preach. He found among the many idols on display a statue to an unknown god. This god about which nothing was known he used to preach about Jesus. His Greek audience listened to a sermon in structure and content not unlike any gospel message you might hear today. The Athenians were interested, a few may have later converted, but the great majority it seems returned to their endless debates. My impression of philosophical discussions is that the last thing those taking part want to do is come to a conclusion. Christianity forces the issue. Confronts you and me just as Paul confronted the Athenians. He told them about the one true God to whom the myriad of gods of this world are just dross and imaginings, objects or ideas formed in the image of their creators. When we set ourselves, or our opinions, or our favoured group up as mini divinities, right in our own eyes and subject to no one we become another false expression of the unknown Greek god: just another idol. We have our gods, billions of them; we make them up much like the Greeks, but they at least had the modesty to look outside of themselves. We are creating a Selfie generation, making ourselves gods. Individualism is what we think we are creating: the My Space, My Kingdom world. It is all about ME! Don’t tell me about a revelation directing Me towards a God who made Me and holds me accountable for the life I have been given.

Consciously or unconsciously we are building a social media dominated society which lives and breathes idolatry; inward looking, self-seeking, self-serving and self-promoting. It centres around us and we have many ways of creating and embellishing our image. But all idolatrous societies have a god who rules above the others: in Greece it was Zeus. And for us perhaps the coming apogee of all this is the Mother and Father of all Big Brother States. A creation built on the longings to be free of ancient traditions about true and false, just and unjust, lawful and unlawful, normal and natural, good and evil. Out of this hatred of the past a great number of protest groups have arisen, each relentlessly articulating their demands. Like spoilt children who can never be appeased. Each of these have produced something which has been incorporated into the image of the beast being formed; like the thousands of golden ear rings out of which Aaron, the brother of Moses made the Golden Calf. An object of worship, but not religious as normally understood. This was uninhibited party time, with dancing, carousing and the loss of all restraint. Does that sound familiar?

When complete, whatever it is that has raised itself to dominance will place itself as arbiter of all things without even so much as a nod to the Creator of the World. We have become little different to those who carved out of wood or formed out of precious metals objects of worship. It is horrifying to see the lengths people of this generation will go to make themselves into something else, at the worst extremes creating an image false from concept to fulfilment: the look being everything. We were made to look beyond ourselves, but have come to think we know better. We can contemplate changes unavailable to any generation before us. We can remake creation in our own image: different by design. Any change being superior to being what I am.

I was recently asked what I thought the Christian response should be to those around us who seek gender change. What would I say to a person who has chosen a gender rather than accept the one into which they were born? It used to be so easy, it was either male or female and they stayed that way throughout life. My wife has given birth to six children: three boys and three girls. In those days the midwife would pass the newborn child to the mother and would proclaim you have a boy, or a girl. The conclusion made on the basis of either a penis or a vagina. That may still be how a modern story begins, but by the age of say ten another choice may be under consideration. What, if asked, do I as a Christian say to that person having reached adulthood? I freely admit I do not really know. The fact that some babies are born with elements of both male and female sexual organs is a tragedy and a reality which cannot just be skimmed over with pious sadness. Nor can the confusion that seems to be growing in the minds of so many regarding their sexuality. Any sense of stability in these areas has gone. The impact is undeniable and knowing what to do or say or write is for me an unsolved problem. I have written in more detail about this subject in other articles. However, this I do know; a Christian who excuses something that goes against what God has said to be true and good cannot speak for Him. But a Christian who forgets he is a sinner is in no position to judge anything. So, it’s a tricky and humbling position, because here am I preaching to you, and I am a sinner.

All I know for sure is that Jesus desires above all to bring us sinners into a state of grace, and he does this by forgiving and restoring on the basis of repentance. We have to acknowledge our sin. We have to turn to Jesus and say sorry. A Christian cannot say a sin is anything less than something which separates us from our Maker. We are asked to love, we are told to weep with those that weep, and to carry one another’s pain and sorrow. We should offer prayer, comfort, hospitality, kindness and understanding. What we cannot say is it is OK to make an idol of ourselves or to change a commandment of God in order to make us feel comfortable in our given body.

We are free to be whatever we want to be, but if Christianity is true we make our choice at a cost. You and I are the fruit of a Tree of Life. Not the Darwinian model but God’s Tree of Life. We belong not primarily to ourselves but to our Maker. When that fruit, you and I, falls to the ground at the end of its life it leaves a seed with the potential for new life. That is a kind of parable for you. Death is not the end of your story, you were created to be born again.

There is no easy or soft way around these things, but there is a loving one, and the loving way is to speak the truth in love. Anything less just covers the problem for a while but never touches its root or changes the life. Jesus is kind, just read how he dealt with the accused woman dragged out of a bed having just committed adultery. Standing while shaking with fear before a group of religious zealots longing to see her stoned to death. Jesus saved her. He did so with those famous words addressed to the woman’s accusers. “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Shamed, they each, one by one turned and walked away.

His parting words to her however were “Go and sin no more.”

For her Jesus was a Saviour. He can be exactly the same for you as he has for me and was to her.


A Convenient Target


This article deals with the innate ideological nastiness of Ofsted investigations. Fall foul of this almost all powerful organisation and watch your carefully constructed and often loved school or college be sacrificed. The cause of censure: LGBT and Gender issues and the insistence they form part of the curriculum taught to our youth.

What follows is an example of political correctness in action from a recent story which appeared in the press. It concerns a school whose very young children are disciplined, respectful and happy. A school that is accepted as being academically excellent in every way other than one. A private Jewish girls’ school which teaches children from the age of 3 up to 8. It has failed three Ofsted inspections because it does not adequately teach pupils about homosexuality or gender reassignment.

Vishnitz Girls School is an Orthodox Jewish primary school in the Hackney Local Education Authority. It has failed these inspections and at the time of writing advertises itself as not Ofsted inspected. The problem is not that the school is failing, it is excellent in every way other than one. That one being the issue of deficiencies relating to giving its pupils a complete understanding of fundamental British Values. This otherwise excellent faith school cannot bring itself to teach explicitly about sexual orientation. According to these appointed guardians this failure impacts on moral, spiritual, social and cultural development. Ofsted demands that this primary school’s staff promotes a lifestyle they cannot in all conscience endorse. For this clash of worldviews a good school is being bullied into either conformity or loss of academic status. Any parent looking for an Ofsted accreditation of excellence may look elsewhere. The State has the nerve to criticise a fine faith school for failing to provide its pupils with proper spiritual and moral guidance. Unbelievable! Lecturing a religious school rooted in the oldest monotheistic faith on earth about its approach to spiritual and moral matters. And doing so on the basis of a largely untested social experiment which could cause, in my opinion will cause untold physical, mental and spiritual damage. It also denies the good sense invested in real, known, tested, mature systems that have worked well for millennia: biology, genetics and common sense.

I wonder how much longer Vishnitz Girls School will be allowed to retain its full title. The word “girl” may be on the way out of the language along with boy. Gender specific pronouns are already under threat. Anything that stands in the way of LGBT lobbying will fall before these new and bizarre directions. He, him, his and himself, and she, her, hers and herself probably have a short shelf life in state schools, since any traditional views and words defining gender will offend those who are transgender or in the process of changing gender. This group, or more accurately  its apologists are exercising more power than any of us who believe gender is either male or female. To those who are for some genetic reason genuinely placed between one and another then everything possible should be done to help them. They are loved as much as any other by their Creator. The bible teaches that we live in a fallen world and that each of us carries this fallen nature within our beings. We are seemingly now prone to all sorts of genetic malfunctions and mental disorders. Is it not possible that Gender Dysphoria could be placed in the same category as Anorexia? A false perception of self. We may not like hearing this but geneticists know that the brain is a primary target for mutational damage. This being so what are the likely consequences? One of the first may be muddled thinking and a failure to grasp the possibility that abandoning millennia old notions of what is true and natural and normal is beyond stupid, it’s crazy.

Our novel ideas about gender do not alter the way nature has arranged gender to be among the higher mammals and mankind. You may not like or approve the rule of male and female that predominates, but it exists and without it there could be no natural procreation. These LGBT ideas only exist because technology has made possible what was once impossible including procreation outside the normal processes through IVF. The traditional view upheld by Vishnitz School is under sustained attack from Ofsted for politically correct reasons. If child abuse is an issue then Ofsted is the guilty party and ought to face being prosecuted for persecuting the innocent. By innocent I mean those trying in good conscience to serve the interests of pupils and the parents who have chosen that school in preference to others. The State has decreed this issue rules over the long held belief that religions had freedom to proclaim their faith. It can I think reasonably be assumed that parents of children attending this school approve of its teachings. It is ironic that in a society defined as multi-faith, this faith school is denied the right to teach one of its core values. That a person’s sex is either male or female and that the word gender corresponds to one of these; and that the sexual act was designed by God. All of this is in accordance with genetics and biology. There are admittedly a few cases that fall outside these categories. But as expressed earlier, rare cases should not ever be allowed to blur the clear distinctions imposed by nature. Ofsted are pontificating like a bishop or pope from a bygone age. We know best and you will submit to our rule and our rules. Ofsted is enforcing its ideology,  upon any individuals or groups falling under its jurisdiction. Any who think differently or speak or act in accordance with a faith which has remained unchanged by decree of the God they worship. And when it comes to this matter the Jews think in the same way as most Christians and Muslims. Between them all these represent an electorate that dwarfs the posturing of Ofsted officials to a degree that should shame them into silence. Ofsted have been proved to make massive errors of judgement: the Trojan Horse debacle. They also have an agenda not shared by the great majority and a power that should never have been put in the hands of a few ideologically driven individuals who apparently work under their own supervision. There seems to be no effective court of appeal against their judgements. It is in my opinion a state sponsored, indoctrinated organisation which will one day be recognised for what it is; as regards the LGBT issue taught to very young children, a  madness born of celebrating something the wisdom of which should be challenged at every level. If we were free we would be be able to follow and teach what has worked well for as long as humans have existed.

In conclusion here is a thought you might consider. We ban assisted suicide, correctly in my opinion, while guiding some of the least equipped, due to their age and maturity, to make potentially life changing and  damaging decisions about their bodies and minds. The Vishnitz School is a standard bearer. As such it bravely presents itself as a target. We live in a society which, when it comes to issues of conscience expressed by dissidents, is met with a chilling word of command: Verboten! Vishnitz School for Girls is forbidden to teach what it believes, and is being coerced into teaching what it believes to be wrong. Many others are being marched into the same camp. Such a society has been titled Totalitarian.

Below is a video presentation which should be prescribed for the educationalists at schools, colleges and most particularly government agencies like Ofsted. If ever an ideology should be exposed it is that which surrounds and oversees the entire subject of Gender and LGBT.



None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See


The impacts of Islamic culture upon our own has been graphically demonstrated in the strangest of ways. How British Values and a culture of Political Correctness protected sexual abusers.

The sex scandals involving huge numbers of troubled white girls being groomed into sexual slavery by Muslim men became public when this trade in so called ‘white trash’ was first exposed in Rotherham and Rochdale. 1400 girls forced into sexual slavery by ruthless vicious pimps. On the 23rd of February 2018 the headline news was that the sex scandals were continuing in Newcastle, with women as well as girls being preyed upon. The comment was made that there is reason to believe this is ongoing not just in Newcastle but nationally. Sex crime will never end but if the causes can be identified a start can be made. But what has happened here is more complex. A culture exists which seems to think this treatment of white girls is not as offensive as it seems to others. That if true is bad enough, what actually happened was perhaps even worse in the sense that authorities set up to protect the vulnerable became blind to their fate for politically correct reasons. The fear of being accused of racism against a protected minority.

Before going further it needs to be said that sexual predators can be found in any group, and paedophilia, perhaps the ugliest of all sexual crimes is in the UK most associated with men in the white population. Sexual predators have been protected before, causing national scandals and shame within Christian denominations. Serious efforts have, centuries late, been made within Christianity to correct the appalling abuse of the young, both male and female by teachers and clerics and nuns. These terrible crimes are a result of the evil instincts which inhabit humankind. One of the reasons they got away with it for so long is due to protected groups operating under their own supervisory authorities. In a nation for so long long under clerical rule like Ireland, the abuse became almost institutionalised with cover-ups becoming part of the state and church at the highest levels. Wherever authority reaches levels of control that cannot be easily challenged then violent sexual abuse seems almost certain. Mankind has a streak of malignancy which feeds upon vulnerability. That Political Correctness would be used in the same manner, to protect sexual predators should I suppose not shock us. This instinct to cover up and excuse is an ugly human reflex. The tick box, rule bound, I know all kind of statutory law birthed into Political Correctness, Hate, Equality and Diversity legislation provided the perfect cover for a prolonged scandal that should have been met head on twenty years previously.

The sex scandals which first came to prominence in Rochdale and Rotherham are a little different, because this time the cover up was not by a group protecting their own. It was the law which conspired to ensure that prosecutions were rare and those raising the alarm were silenced. I have no evidence to suggest Mosques in this country any more than Churches teach that a class or group of women are authorised targets of men wanting sex outside marriage. But something was wrong and these cases began to be linked to that of culture. If a culture was prepared to condone this trade then the problem became slightly different, how to prosecute cases without seeming as if a culture was being attacked. How to avoid being accused of Islamophobia and racism?

Eventually the problem became too large to contain because the grim stories kept on coming. It was like an epidemic. In 2018, an investigation revealed that the Telford grooming gang had 1,000 girl victims. The crimes involved trafficking, drugging, beatings, rapes and even murder. The scale of these crimes went off the chart. Douglas Murray has said of this that most people in positions of authority in this country never wanted stories like these to see the light of day. With regard to these crimes the former Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw made some allowance for the role played by followers of Islam: denying any religious link while admitting a cultural problem. He admitted some Muslim men think of these girls as white trash and easy meat but refused to lay the blame with religion. These remarks were made on the Daily Politics programme in March 2018.

I think the its a cultural problem remark is a smokescreen behind which all kinds of problems have arisen. Pakistan’s culture is formed almost entirely by its religion which is Islam. Pakistan’s very existence was brought about by the cause of Islam. It is an Islamic state; to deny its culture is not a result of its religion would be like saying the culture of Tudor England was not shaped by Christianity. It was not just a religious dimension, it was the fundamental cause. Religion is not confined to mosques or churches or synagogues or temples; faith on this scale creates cultures. Jack Straw’s flimsy apologetic on behalf of Islam would not I believe survive examination by a historian. He appeared on this TV programme with another person concerned with these subjects: Nazir Afzal. He was one of the few to take on the issue of these gangs of sexual predators and prosecute the guilty. Nazir Afzal is a Muslim, and thank God for him, a good and courageous man who must have found it difficult to say what he did about fellow Muslims. He readily acknowledges that his cultural heritage played a part in getting convictions. He reopened a case against the gang of Asian men that groomed young girls for sex and suggested being an Asian made it easier to do so. He added that over sensitivity to political correctness hampered justice being done, claiming his Pakistani heritage helped. If he had failed to stand up to the politically correct dogma that seemed to rule over the ability to convict then these men may have got away with it all. Political Correctness ensured that the thousands of girls groomed into sexual slavery were kept in that condition for years. The brave few in the police and child care hammering away at their superiors, were silenced by a ruling elite, maybe including the CPS, who until the advent of Nazir Afzal had failed to act. It took a man of moral courage who could not easily be accused of racism or Islamophobia to take up the cause of these girls. Most of whom are now young women burdened with memories that can never be erased.

The following is a documentary about a police operation in Telford. It is traumatic to watch made more so when you realise that many police and other authorities failed to act, sometimes for more than a decade, you begin to understand that the guilt extents far beyond the rapists. This was an institutional cover up in the cause of maintaining social harmony. Telford police seem to have acted as should be expected in a law abiding society.



While the above is good work, it is at least a decade late for some police forces and the political elites still give the impression of  having failed to get the point.  It may never have occurred to our governing classes that we have to face an imported problem. I mean by that we invited, left the door open for decade upon decade to those of a culture who see females as lower than the males. A culture having no moral or religious code that puts an effective brake on either their lusts or their sense, if any, of right and wrong. Males, no doubt a small depraved, criminal minority of the Pakistani immigrant population, seem to feel entitled to traffic and violate children they designate as “white trash”. Doing this to serve their dual  interests in sex and money. They make a business mixed with pleasure out of enticing poor white girls, through drugs and drink, and then by grooming, threats, rapes, enslavement, sell them into lives of unimaginable terror and humiliation. That is bad enough on one side, but perhaps even worse they have been protected from the upholders of the law, by the law. Protecting minorities from race crime and Islamophobia while also protecting  the law breakers, who come from these same minorities. How perverse is that? What kind of insanity is this? We shield some of the worst of humanity from our laws which once worked, at least in theory, without fear or favour against any perpetrator: white or black, high reputation or low, saint or sinner. Only the scale of these crimes has forced the police and CPS to act. This is the madness of hate crime legislation which has shielded the guilty and left the innocent to be violated long term and under the noses of those whose work is to protect. This is a type of racism that cannot be acknowledged: black on white. We have created a worldview which is blind to the truth, colour blind. A view that will not, cannot cope with these appalling injustices because it turns political correctness on its head. If these men had not felt a sense of invulnerability due to political correctness making it difficult to look at any minority for fear of repercussions, then it would have been simpler to act in defence of the innocent. The establishment should hang its head in shame. They created this evil protective blanket under which depraved gangs could act with something close to immunity. Parliamentary groups spent a great deal of time investigating the cover ups by councils and police. That’s corruption on a huge scale. Who has been prosecuted, how many senior figure have lost their jobs and gold plated pensions? I have not heard of anything beyond some resignations. Its going to take a figure of the stature of William Wilberforce to change and fully expose the culture which has permitted this to happen. God speed his or her’s coming to the forefront of politics.