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Free Speech
This is not a Mickey Mouse issue, it is serious, just about as serious as can be imagined. Lose it and any sense of living in a free society has gone. We will only be able to say or write what is deemed correct, either by the state authourities or
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Who am I is becoming a confusing issue filled with uncertainties. He and she are pronouns that once had the field to themselves, but no longer. To make a mistake in identification may have serious consequences, maybe leading to a prosecutable hate crime. We are in the process of creating
The Bare Necessities of Life
It is so easy to follow the recipe for life, and name all its bare necessities. All you need is a cast of Baloo’s Jungle Book friends, and a villain to spoil the party . The storyline goes something like this…. For life: that is everything from plants to bacteria
If The Truth Be Told
The following was said about the knife crime epidemic that is becoming the shame of London. This was written in 2018. “So the forlorn attempts by politicians and media to ignore this truth…to avoid ‘stigmatising’ minority communities…has been counterproductive, a hand-wringing dereliction of responsibility.” “It might make ‘right-on’ white