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Free Speech
This is not a Mickey Mouse issue, it is serious, just about as serious as can be imagined. Lose it and any sense of living in a free society has gone. We will only be able to say or write what is deemed correct, either by the state authourities or
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The Red Terror
The realm of the extreme left and the scars it has engraved into history is all but ignored by documentary makers, the media in general and in the education system. The hard right is a constant theme and rightly red-flagged as a real and present danger to the West.
Floppy Discs and Willow Seeds
“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” Quote from The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins That is a statement presented by Richard Dawkins and if you took it at face value you may conclude he thinks biology is