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Free Speech
This is not a Mickey Mouse issue, it is serious, just about as serious as can be imagined. Lose it and any sense of living in a free society has gone. We will only be able to say or write what is deemed correct, either by the state authourities or
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The Bare Necessities of Life
It is so easy to follow the recipe for life, and name all its bare necessities. All you need is a cast of Baloo’s Jungle Book friends, and a villain to spoil the party . The storyline goes something like this…. For life: that is everything from plants to bacteria
Lego Logic
Much of this website is concerned with questions: Logical or Illogical, God or no God, Creator or no Creator, Design or no Design. Normal or Abnormal, Natural or Unnatural, Good or Bad, Wise or Unwise, Progressive or Regressive, True or False, Possible or Impossible and so on, and on…
Can We Recognise Design When We See It?
Spotting design in nature is a risky business, since we are told by experts that to recognise design in nature is to see what is not there. Richard Dawkins has said that “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a