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Free Speech
This is not a Mickey Mouse issue, it is serious, just about as serious as can be imagined. Lose it and any sense of living in a free society has gone. We will only be able to say or write what is deemed correct, either by the state authourities or
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Cancer, God and Me!
WHAT FOLLOWS IS A SMALL BOOK TITLED: THE TREASURES OF DARKNESS. HOW CANCER CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER! It is said that tons of diamonds, millions upon millions of them may be hiding beneath your feet. But before you grasp the nearest industrial mega drill, be warned.
The First Motor! Proof of God Maybe?
By proof of God I mean the sheer weight of circumstantial evidence that can be deduced from creation. The picture above shows one of the most impressive motors in terms of structure and performance the world has ever known. And yet it looks primitive and simple. A sausage shaped
Fast-Forward From the 1960’s
Following the end of the Second World War and until the advent of the Swinging Sixties the world seemed set on a trend that understood concepts like normal and natural, and we lived in a world where the ordinary and stable was the accepted reality. Truth had a place