Hear No Evil


Shutting your eyes and singing la la la to yourself in the face of an evil threat, thinking that if you cannot see or hear what threatens you then it may not actually exist is to live in la la land. I believe that is exactly where we are at the present time.  A threat looms close and we will not acknowledge its existence.

To a prophet in the first century AD, the modern world would appear as miraculous and quite probably satanic. The Internet, space probes far into the universe, entertainment and media, robotics, skyscrapers far higher than anything imagined at Babel. The arms race, intercontinental missiles, nuclear bombs and drones for every possible requirement. How far seeing could a prophet be? The prophet John in the book of Revelation described the entire world viewing an event happening on earth, all at the same time. A hint of 24 hour satellite news coverage? He also spoke of every individual being required to have a mark which would enable those with it to buy and sell, shutting out those who refused to take the mark. A sight of a future globalized dictatorship and microchip technology perhaps. The separation of the signed up to the new reality and those who refuse to be coerced. If the scripture, speaking of a “strong delusion” and the old saying about “those the gods want to destroy they first make mad” are true then we can, in my opinion, see the expected results of that happening all around us. I can easily imagine laughter being the response to all this, but ridicule is a price worth bearing if it makes some people think. The Bible has never shied away from the who and what is behind it all. Jesus knows him and has faced him. After the coming period, called the end times, there will come the hour when Satan having for a moment reached the pinnacle of his ambitions will be utterly and finally destroyed. The second coming of Jesus is clearly prophesied, as is the presence of the character of the devil incarnate: the man claiming to be divine, the anti-Christ, the last of his kind. The following is also from 2 Thessalonians Ch. 2.

“Concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us, whether be a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter, asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”

Is the prophesied “rebellion” underway on a continent once devoted to the God of the Bible? Is the world gone mad and under a delusion which blinds it to the truth it once held fast? If you have to come to the point of thinking this could be true then you can break free from the delusion, all you need is humility and faith. Humble enough to bend your knee and bow your head before your Lord and King and faith enough to trust this God to see you through to what he has prepared for you. It is an ever-present invitation for as long as the present remains. There is however an impediment and it has a name: sin! God shows us who he is in a myriad of different ways: and one way is through the creation of the world and the wonders of nature and the universe. Although fallen and spoiled it still proclaims his glory and goodness. So, we are without excuse. A painting like Rembrandt’s Prodigal Son does not need a signature to tell us it is both beautiful and sad and created for a purpose, to touch the heart and move our spirit. To attract and to demonstrate the painter’s insights and skill. To deny this is to deliberately blindside your intellect. A deliberate act, turning away from what you know to be true. In relation to God this is called sin, and in this case, sin is a death sentence. Only one hope is laid before us, and that hope is a person and that person is the Son of God Jesus Christ, God made Man. If we are shielded from seeing him as he fully is then realise it is for mercy’s sake and for our good. If we saw perfection we would not be able to deal with it, we are part of what is fallen and spoilt. A creation poisoned shortly after it began. We have an idea that it is not right but no idea how to correct it; or indeed us, humankind. We who are at both the root and summit of that fall. Sin blinds us to truth, even when it is laid bare before us. Every instinct and inclination leads us into sin, each sin causing us to suppress the truth and love the lie. Satan will be dealt with and it will be Jesus who ends the long reign of death.

But surely, even if we were to believe such an event, we are still a long way from it? Just look at us and all that has been achieved. We can see the world that way and take comfort since at one level this world is alluring: diverse, entertaining, free, without rigid structure. On another it is doctrinaire, imposing on your freedoms of speech and action. If the contention that a kind of madness has fallen upon us is accurate, then it should be apparent in every sphere of human life. We should see it going on around us and if we do not wonder at in amazement, and most will not, then we may have drifted with the tide and become part of it: anaesthetised. If this is the case we will not know if we are in danger, even if every unnoticed sign is warning us. In former times people were selected to be watchmen, or in PC themed speech, watch-people. Their primary job was to keep lookout and inform their superiors about anything appearing on the horizon that may be a threat. Such a person must be prepared to wake up everyone with the sound of a trumpet or a bellowed shout. The message would not necessarily be welcomed. But it was their sole purpose. To be alert and brave enough to warn a town or a ship’s captain and crew of the reality. Like the shout of “iceberg ahead” by the watchman on the Titanic.

There is a comment from the world of fiction which describes our situation as accurately as I can imagine. It is the comment of the small boy that broke the spell on a crowd taken in by a magnificently contrived confidence trick. He saw what the indoctrinated masses could not see. It was plainly obvious and the boy shouted it out. “The Emperor has no clothes!”

The Post Modern deceit that truth is just a matter of opinion is I believe of this type. And you do not need to be clever to see it. Just open your eyes and unblock your ears and heed the warning. Here is a man giving a warning. We live in a society watching for any signs of extreme right wing activity but seem utterly blind to the threat from the extreme left. We know huge amounts about Nazism and its consequence but are largely ignorant about the much greater harm that has arisen from left wing totalitarian regimes: Communism under Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot of Cambodia. The bloodshed, disasters and indoctrination under these dictators dwarf even the atrocities committed by Hitler and his ideology based on the super race. To state the deaths at 100.000.000 may well be an understatement. If what is coming via Postmodernism and Political Correctness is Cultural Marxism then wake up, listen to whats going on and dare to speak against it.



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