Here Lies The Truth



The title provokes the question here lies what truth? Your truth, my truth, an agreed societal truth or something beyond both. An overarching truth such as that claimed for our historic faith. My belief is that an environment is developing in which nearly every connection to that Truth, Christianity will be severed; or perhaps more accurately, simply abandoned as an irrelevance. It may of course be replaced by another Middle Eastern import: Islam. That possibility along with many others will be considered in some detail.

It feels to me as if a subtle war is being waged. A strange one, without an easily specified antagonist or an instantly recognisable target. However, if you find yourself opposed to current trends you may well be experiencing coercive pressure to conform in ways that are unsettling. And even more bizarre, to an agenda that came out of nowhere. The battle lines in this country seem to be arranged around perceptions of British Values. These just appeared in our midst without any noticeable public vote and enthroned themselves as self-evident truths at the centre of our legal system. Astonishingly these values, the breaking of which can land you in a law court, are less than a decade old. They are defined as, Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance and Individual Liberty. Values that you might reasonably argue have been the bedrock of our society for some time. What harm could arise from such a wholesome collection of values and aspirations? The old saying is that the devil is in the detail; so, if something devilish has arisen in our midst it may well be found hidden in the interpretations and applications of the laws. In this case laws governing hate crime. Armed with hate legislation the Crown Prosecution Service now has the bite and appetite of a full-grown carnivore. To dare speak against the established truths of the modern state is to risk facing prosecution and possible imprisonment. The threat is clearly stated. There is no excuse not to know that some issues are now so tightly bound to notions of what is and is not acceptable, that to challenge these victim orientated untouchables is to become a social pariah. The issues at the forefront of this crusade are LGBT rights on the one hand, and the religion of peace, Islam on the other.

Our formerly Christian country has been replaced by one defined as multi-cultural and multi-faith. When I say replaced I actually mean something much more dramatic. Akin to an aggravated lover using a key held in common to enter the once shared home. The purpose being to desecrate every memory and remove all personal items belonging to the former partner. A course has been set and the signs of its “progress” are many and varied. The face of religion has changed, politics is going the same way, as are ethics and morality and even what was once considered normal and natural. What is growing in our society is at the very least unusual, at the worst almost beyond comprehension; best explained perhaps by what has been spoken and written about millennia ago.  Scriptures that are gradually becoming perceived as enemies of the State. If this little piece has not whetted your appetite I think you should look elsewhere for a good read.

Here is a demonstration of British Values as enacted in the real world. Ofsted it seems can and often does act like an ideologically driven dictatorship seeking nothing less than to impose its own views on any school that does not conform. That a Conservative government should continue to sponsor this sinister regime is a sign of our times.


The school was put under special measures by Ofsted.

Grindon Hall is a Christian school and was criticised amongst other things for failing to celebrate the festivals of other religions. Its headmaster Mr Gray said: “This would breach our Christian foundation which stipulates that we are a Christian school…It would certainly offend against the consciences of many of our staff, pupils and parents….Learn about it, yes. Celebrate its festivals, no.” A headmaster with character who refuses to bow to  gods he does not recognise.

That government feels itself obliged to interfere and bully an excellent school with a great reputation and high academic attainment is an illustration of what is happening to us. In my view not to protest is not an option.


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