Is a Problem Less of a Problem if We Ignore It?


This article highlights two areas of confusion and both are problematic.

The LGBTQ issue is a problem. People of my generation find it difficult to adapt because it transgresses every concept of normality we were taught both at home and at school. Primarily by people we trusted: those in authority, parents and teachers. To many of us this confusion over sexual identity is madness in the truest sense of the word. A partly contrived problem, concerning a tiny minority of the population who have gathered a prominence and momentum, hyped up and out of all proportion to its real significance. In saying that I am not attempting to minimise the impact this has on individuals. I think that should be taken seriously. Those enduring gender confusion must be treated with the same respect and kindness and skill as any other person finding life difficult. But if a largely psychological problem, gender confusion was designated a medical disorder before changed by political pressure to the less loaded term: dysphoria. When I see it driven to near the top of our political and social concerns by ideologues who distort reality, I along with many others get concerned. I will not go on about it as other articles deal with the matter in more detail. This is just a curtain raiser and an introduction. The issue I believe is one of identification, and not so much of gender. We have a problem that ought to be faced head on, but we cannot do that for reasons which are close to applying gagging orders against those of us who would say stop.  Look at the whole thing again from the beginning. Examine its roots and its history and ask real questions about whether or not gender reassignment therapy, puberty blocking chemicals for adolescents, and surgery when requested are appropriate responses to what may well be, as suggested above,caused by other factors which may even be as shallow as peer pressure or the latest celebrity endorsed fashion. It is now known that all sorts of pressures are being applied, pushing troubled young people, some autistic, into taking life changing decisions.

Hate crimes have been introduced to the political and social arena, and they pose a threat to anyone brave or stupid enough to express concern, criticism or just plain old fashioned opinions. Two thousand years ago these new laws would have had a different appearance. Like a pride of hungry lions circling a huddled group of persecuted dissidents. Those who would not fall to their knees and bow to the craziness and corruption of imperial rule. Today those who want to protest against so called progressive trends feel afraid. And that is not an exaggerated fear and nor is it unwarranted.

Below is a talk given to a gathering of the concerned in Canada. The speaker lays out the issue clearly, calmly and with authority.



The second issue, also elaborated on in other articles is that of Islam. A religion which has supporters far removed from the fanatics, and this makes confronting the matter all the more difficult. These advocates are intelligent, in positions of power and influence and argue their case cogently. Their objective is to put a positive impression on Islam along with invoking a sense that it needs legal protections and oppressed victim status. Those who see Islam as a problem are quickly stigmatised as Islamophobes. In 2015 a conservative councillor tweeted the following.

“Islam is like alcoholism. The first step to recovery is admit you have a problem.”

That surprisingly incendiary remark caused the perpetrator, Mr Lamb, first to apologise for his misdemeanour and later resign as a member of the Conservative Party. There is according to Baroness Warsi growing signs of Islamophobia in her party. She was the first Muslim woman to have a seat at the Cabinet table, and claimed there was a “deep-rooted problem” in the party. Well if the above remark is a sign of Islamophobia, then how would any kind of remark expressing negative concern about the Muslim community avoid being called Islamophobic? Mr Lamb’s comment was essentially mild in tone, saying nothing more than there is a problem which needs addressing. An observation which is obviously true. Opinion Polls confirm this fact.

One of the reasons is that the Quran preaches jihad against the kafir: the infidel. That is anyone who is not a Muslim: an unbeliever, a pagan, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Christian or a Jew. And Europe knows from experience it is a target of Jihad. Why is the preaching of that creed, which is based in Islam’s holy book, not hate speech? The Bible has been similarly accused, but is much the more likely candidate under current political opinion to be formally classified as hate literature. Jihad of whatever sort, peaceful or violent, covert or open, is according to the Quran an essential part of Islamic teaching. If that is accepted as a fact then there is a problem. Ignoring it will only serve as a short term solution. The sensible option is to face the issue. Face Muslim leaders with the issues and try to negotiate a solution. Expressing this concern  as Mr Lamb did, in terms of alcoholism may not have been the most diplomatic way of opening a debate; but it at least opens it up for discussion. And it needs opening up because a large proportion of the British public are concerned.  According to a recent report in the Guardian newspaper, polling of more than 10,000 people in July 2018, found 32% of people believed there were Muslim “no-go areas” in Britain governed by Sharia law. That supposed reality is officially denied, but the view from people living in deprived areas of the UK should be listened to, primarily because they probably know better than any official what is actually going on in these communities. They may know a good deal more than official authorities who tend to tow the politically correct line. Officials who could well represent the same councils, police and social workers who denied the scale and religious background of the sex grooming gangs. A scandal which became such a big issue it hit the media and front pages of every national newspaper. Another Guardian report of a recent poll indicated a shocking figure. That three-quarters of non-Muslims believe Islam has provided a negative contribution to British society. In the face of that information surely some initiative must be taken. Perhaps the government should take this vast number of self confessed Islamophobes, the majority of the general public, into a prolonged training scheme. Its the kind of re-education project that appealed to Marxist dictatorships. And that is what should scare us the most. That if a decision must be taken, in whose favour would that decision be made?

I will conclude by returning to Mr Lamb and his reference to an alcoholic who has a problem which has to be faced. If it is not, how will he or she be enabled to function well in society? There are remedies, of course, and the first is to recognise that there is a problem. If you cannot even say that there is a problem without being accused of hate thoughts or speech, then the only option is to kick the problem down the road. And there it sits in the long grass and festers, becoming increasingly unstable; a potential grenade placed into the hands of the people you least want to deal with it: the far right. No-one in their right mind wants that to happen, but failure to face what most people in this country know to be a growing problem seems to be the favoured answer. Wait, hope and make concessions, appears to be the only solution on offer. It is the hopeless, clueless response of the coward. The video below is a conversation on the issue. Its title is alarming to anyone who cares about the future of our country. And that will include large numbers of moderate, mostly I imagine less religiously inclined Muslims or apostates; those who are happy to live in the West alongside all the other minorities. even with small c conservative white indigenous citizens like myself. Most people want to live in peace with one another, and I share that feeling. I also fear that as Douglas Murray says in the video below, there may not be a soft landing on Islam. It is not always the moderate majorities who hold the power when things begin to go wrong.

This was written before the terrible mass killing of 49 innocent Muslims in and around two mosques in Christchurch New Zealand. This tragedy was reported today: the 16th of March 2019. On this website I have written a lot about the dangers of the extreme left, but this appalling act demonstrates that the far right is equally repugnant. An insane hatred driven by fanatics incapable of drawing the distinction between good and evil and what can be done and what cannot be done under any circumstances.


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