The Tree of Life


Darwin knew as well as anyone else that Creation cannot pass unnoticed, an explanation is required. There are only three possible options. The division is between those believing there could be a Creator of some kind and those holding that a natural process caused it all. The final one includes those believing a combination of the two above. In the Western world the battle lines are usually drawn by those who care, and these divide between the two positive assertions: God did it, or a form of Darwinian evolution did it, maybe with some initial supernatural help to start it off. As things stand it is atheistic Darwinism which holds much the more powerful position, at least among the educated classes. This happens to include the great majority of those that understand or practise science. But every now and then a big juicy apple is heard falling to the ground from the tree of life.

The tree of life with its trunk, branches and twigs demonstrating the linked relationships between bacteria, fish and mammals up to mankind is still assumed by many, but evidence does not support its existence. The transitional fossils are speculative at best and non existent at worst. Many evolutionary palaeontologists, some of the greatest admit the failure of the fossil record. As for the Tree of Life, Craig Venter, a world-renowned scientist implied it was a nonevent, calling it in effect an artefact of history. Venter was on a panel of guests including two Nobel Prize winners and Richard Dawkins. The latter was visibly shocked to hear such a heresy coming from a well-respected source. This little disagreement is an indication that not every scientist is signed up to classic Darwinism. Nevertheless, the majority of those who support evolutionary theory will contend that all necessary proofs have been supplied in abundance.

I want to ask a simple question. Is the creation we see and know what Darwinism would have predicted? Darwin’s theory should produce nothing beyond what is baseline functional at the very best. A process like evolution, directed on the basis of survival, reproduction and immediate rather than future need is not likely to produce either exquisite novelties or boundless beauty. And certainly not on the scale of what is demonstrated throughout nature. If the only processes permitted to evolutionists are without direction and any thought or foresight as to how plant and animal life survive in any given or changing environment, then there is simply no chance of seeing what nature demonstrates. Not without miracle upon miracle, and miracles are precisely what Darwinism does not have. If you want miracles you need God not a process whose only mechanism for change and development is genetic mutation. The problem is that mutations do not cause Marvel Comic mutants. They mostly produce errors and some of these can be damaging, even fatal. Mutations are not good news. Every example in films of mutant improvements and super heroes are fictions. That should tell you something. Mutations cause disease, death and the breakdown of genomes. They represent a process comprising a faulty copy of a code or set of instructions via DNA. Corrupted copies, causing wonder upon wonder, all fully functioning from the get go. That is Darwinism. Is it an argument you would want to defend? A faulty possibly damaging mutation causing an advanced type of that which preceded it. Man to superman or Dr Jekyll into Mr Hyde. The latter is the more likely. If it all seems unlikely then live with it, because there is nothing else. You are quite safe since this theory, titled Neo-Darwinism, is supported without question by many of the most intelligent people on earth.

The following video shows how our bodies deal with the problem. The Bible informs us we live in a fallen world in which God is still its Sovereign Lord. You will see that the body is consumed with activity devoted to keep us well, but the invasions of damaging mutations do get through. The systems of repair are incredible, they look after us just as good parents look after their children, but damage from the world gets through to them as well. We all live in this fallen world. The wonder is that so much goes so well. Watch, listen and be amazed. You might also ask yourself how such systems evolved without thought, engineering and know how? Intelligent design perhaps!


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