Whose Kingdom?


How did Britain begin and why was its faith Christian? An English King, a grandson of Alfred the Great fought the battle of Brunanburh. If you have never heard of it, then I admit neither had I until I watched a documentary some time last year. The year of this huge battle was 937 AD when an army led by King Athelstan, a notably brave soldier and devout Christian, crushed a massive combined assault by Vikings, men from the North, Irish and Scots. This victory united the countries of the British Isles not only under one head, but crucially under one faith: Christianity. In the UK it took an administration which “did not do God” to bring about the changes that have so altered our nation. Becoming a Multi-Faith society changes things.

What is left of that Christ centred heritage? Physically there is evidence of our Christian roots scattered all over Europe. You cannot miss them: almost every city, town and village has a cathedral, church or chapel. They mark both our history and our landscapes; they once signposted our faith, they now mark our retreat and our losses. Buildings either falling into disrepair or taken over by corporations, renewed for residential use or even mosques.

To me it seems there is little beyond an established church with its back pressed to the wall, and a disunited kingdom  threatened by fracture, mostly from discontented Nationalist parties? The Christian Faith in Britain is increasingly seen as a sideshow if not an irrelevance. Submerged beneath a culture of diversity and multi-faith to which it has adapted mostly through compromise and appeasement. There are vibrant pockets of evangelical Christians and other denominations scattered throughout the countries of the UK, but few neutrals I think would say that we are much more than an irritant if we are evangelical, and a showy priestly backdrop to state occasions if we are traditionalists. We carry a life changing message rarely sought out by the great majority who lead lives without reference to either Jesus Christ or his Gospel. That is a pessimistic assessment, but there is of course another side filled with hope and faith. However I tend to think that this living faith, real though it is, may be coming under increasing pressure to conform to the ways of this world.

You may agree that we have as a nation abandoned the moral standards which once defined the attitudes and behaviour of a civilised society. You may say yes, and that we are much better off for doing so. Christendom throughout the ages has manifest a series of grotesque parodies of what a Christian society should be. I freely admit this is true, and there was and is no excuse. History verifies that humanity and the societies it has raised contain a spark of evil which tends to contaminate even the best of intentions. So what can be said of one like ours which appears to be seeking the best: a level playing field for everyone? Is this modern schematic any different to those of the past? To me the obvious answer to that question is yes, substantially different. We seem to believe we have learned the lessons of the past, hence the imposition of a multi-faith, multi-cultural society. We have given up, even legislated against stereotyping people on the grounds of race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender: a noble and far reaching ambition which surely no one in their right mind could find objectionable. And of course, the good intentions are useless and would be without effect unless politically enforced, since we are acting against every natural impulse of human nature. Which is that might is right and victory usually goes to the talented, the ruthless, the strong and most calculating. Historically these must be among the reasons why the white races have enslaved and ill-used so many non-white races. We have however chosen to look at our history, sometimes with shame, assessed the damage and the reasons for it and begun the process of trying to make amends by setting out a new vision based on equality for all. Sadly Utopian visions always fail to materialise and their ideals fracture and fall whenever and wherever contact is made with the outside world. They can produce the exact opposite of what is intended: totalitarianism.

To me, born towards the end of the last World War, it feels that all is being made new. As if the old has been cast off while a new prospectus arises from the ashes of the past: new politics, new culture, new ethics, new reality. From a biblical standpoint, can fallen humanity do the job of saving the human race from its baser instincts? If we abandon the faith and religious route that has often served humanity so badly then what can go wrong when both secular and religious are bound together under a universal creed? It has been tried in the past and the two have violently clashed, but today there seems to be relative peace between religion and state. Perhaps it is truly based on the best of all human instincts, love for all and acceptance of everyone: a true level playing field based on tolerance. The experiment has been ongoing for a few decades and it can do no harm to look as it matures and make a few judgements. Are the results so far achieving the anticipated ends? Good intentions must surely be rewarded. This of course depends on whether the intentions were as good as they first appeared. For example to strive for equality cannot be anything other than a good intention. However it has never existed on this earth in any form other than as a momentary expression. There are always the strong and the weak, winners and losers, leaders and led. The truth is that at least one group will always sink to the bottom. A hierarchy will always establish itself, along with some form of coercion to ensure its survival and longevity. The principles laid down by Jesus Christ are a guide to a Utopian vision but even they have failed to give more than a hint of its realisation. But this vision of the golden rule is no longer welcome. Looking at the signs that are apparent I have come to believe that along with the gathering madness there is something uniquely anti-Christian under construction. My purpose in writing this is to persuade you that this might be true, and if you are Christian to prepare for the worst.

With much of Europe having become multi-faith by the decree of its governments is it coincidental that its Christian roots, faith and culture are being degraded? More important, does it matter? The commentator and author Douglas Murray, who is not a Christian, has said that we in the West are all Christian in one sense; not because of our belief but because of the culture which has given us the standards by which we live: from basic human rights upwards. As Christian influence has diminished so have the old certainties withered. As an alternative we have turned towards a multi-faith, multi-cultural approach hoping that the new will give us something better. His book is titled: The Strange Death Of Europe.



We have a new look country due to decades of large scale immigration. So, have a good look around you at the nations from which many of these immigrants have come. Most of these countries persecute Christians. Please ask yourself would you want to bring your family up in any of them? Immigration is all one way traffic, out of countries from the Middle East and into countries with a Christian tradition? The question why is too obvious to answer.

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